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The Cape Cod Ski Club was formed in 1978 by a group of skiing enthusiasts. There are now over 425 members, and now, many are snowboarders! Members range in age from 21 to 80+. Although most members live on or near Cape Cod, some members live as far away as California, Florida, and even Europe!

The Club offers many trips to members from December to March including day trips via motorcoach,  New England overnight  "U-drive" trips, and fly trips. Members also organize various off-season activities including kayaking, biking, golfing, and sailing. Club news is published periodically via email blasts, Facebook, and this website.

get your epic or ikon pass deal through the club & tour operator ski white diamond!

If you are considering purchasing an Epic and/or IKON pass, please consider reviewing the special offer for CCSC members on an Epic and/or IKON pass through tour operator, Ski White Diamond (SWD). Get more info!

President's Letter ... winter 2024-2025

Wishing you all a Happy New Year! While the Club already has one overnight trip under its belt (Killington, VT, December 2024), we have a full schedule ahead for 2025! The Club will be heading to resorts in New England, western US, Europe, and even Chile in the summer!  READ THE FULL LETTER HERE!

Trip Schedule / save the date 2025-2026

Tips & Tricks for Fly Trips!

Say that three times fast! Read this PDF with several helpful hints for a seamless registration.

Social Events & Registration

Membership update

Membership for the 2024-2025 season is now closed. Visit the Membership page on June 1 or after for new and renewing membership. The cost for membership remains at $50 and on October 1 goes to $60. You must be a 2024-2025 member to sign up for the upcoming fly trips.

Got Facebook? Join the ski Club Private Group!

The best way to get updates on fun gatherings, arrange car pools and more ... winter or summer ... is to check our Facebook page! Join today! Cape Cod Ski Club Group

Cape Cod Ski Club Annual Meeting & Spring Banquet

Voting for Executive Board Members & Awards

$75 per member ($85 for non-member guests)

Saturday, April 26, 2025  •  6 to 10 pm


259 Loring Ave, West Dennis, MA 02670 

(free valet parking ... please consider carpooling ... and tipping!)


President - Holly Tarleton
Vice President - Salli Myers
Treasurer - Pat Burnham
Secretary - Sarah Blackwell
Members-at-Large - Joan Byrne, Pamela Phipps, Rebecca McInnis


Assorted Appetizers ~ Cash Bar


First Course ~ Caesar Salad, Rolls & Butter


Prime Rib with Roasted Potato and Seasonal Vegetables


Baked Haddock with Sherried Bread Crumbs
with Roasted Potato and Seasonal Vegetables


Chicken Parmigiana, Penne and Vegetable

Dessert du Jour

Fresh Brewed Coffee, Decaf and Assorted Gourmet Teas

Annual Meeting & Vote for Slate of 2025-2026 Officers

Musical Entertainment and Dancing

Featuring: "The Johns"

Social Chair: Deb Schilling


REGISTRATION OPEN SOON ... Deadline for registering is April 16

Breckenridge ... another blue sky trip!

The plane took off from Colorado just as New England was getting dumped on! Good timing! Although no fresh snow while at Breck, members enjoyed bluebird days and excellent conditions ... and fresh powder on the departure day! Great ski in / ski out location at the base of Beaver Run lift and convenient to town. Another spectacular trip with a fun group!

suggest an extra, fun, club Activity or get-together!

Do you have a suggestion for a fun event? Want to gather with Club buddies for coffee or a cold brew or glass of wine? Post an event on the Facebook page Cape Cod Ski Club Group ... open to current Club members. Any member who wants to organize or join in a group activity is invited to use the Facebook or Discussion Forum to reply to a message or start a topic!

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 146

Hyannis, MA 02601-0146


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